
Saturday, October 22, 2011

3-2-1 Blast Off!

On Wednesday we hurried through our school day so we could end 15 minutes early. At 11:48 we watched a rocket launch. This wasn't just any rocket, it was the rocket that held Uncle Matt's company's new satellite. We spent a bit of time talking about the earth, moon, and orbits so they had an idea of what was going to happen. Before the launch they had an animated clip that explained the entire launch sequence and what happened at each phase after takeoff to get the satellite in it's correct orbit. We counted down the launch and watched it take off live. We also watched for the next 20 minutes while they tracked each step and verified that it had been successful. After that it would be 9 hours until we knew if it arrived in it's correct orbit and was able to work. So glad to report that it all went perfectly and is now a working satellite!

Just another reason I am loving the idea of homeschooling. We can take time for these special events and enjoy them and learn from them together. So blessed to be on this journey and I know it's right where God wants me!

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