
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This past Sunday my sister, dad and I pulled off the ultimate surprise. It was my mom's 60th birthday and we were able to completely surprise her with a huge party of over 70 of her friends and family from all different parts of her life. She had absolutely NO idea and was in complete shock. You seriously couldn't have faked the look on her face. We weren't quite sure how to plan a party for the ultimate party planner... since my mom is her own Martha Stewart, but luckily my sister and I inherited her party planning genes and I think we did a pretty good job. We've been planning and working on all the details for months and it was so fun to see it all come together. As soon as we get the photos back I'll be sure to share some of what we did.

It's been absolutely crazy trying to get involved in our new church, doing school with the girls, having time with the family, cooking, cleaning, running my photography business, and trying to have a bit of a personal life all while planning a huge party that basically equates to a wedding without your mom's help. ;-) We did it though and it's now off my plate and I can breath again! Phew! But... not without a little break from school. We ended up taking Monday off since my sister was in town for the party from Ohio and I thought it was more important to spend the day with her rather than doing school. It was also Columbus day so I figured it was a holiday for some people anyway so why not us too? We go to Bible Study on Tuesday, so we didn't have school today and then we'll be taking Thursday off again to spend time with my mom for the day. I plan to cram 4 days of activities into Wed/Fri this week and we'll call it good.

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