
Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Pun-kin Month!

Last night in preparation for school I changed out the calendar month. I had every intention of changing out the dates so they were cute and October themed... but the time got away from me and it was already 1am and creating a new month card was about all I had in me. Today when we were going over our days of the week and talking about what events happen in the month of October, Brinley got really excited and exclaimed, "It's the pun-kin month, it's the pun-kin month!!!"

As her teacher I know I should have corrected her... Pum... Pum... Pumpkin. But as her mommy, the one that is noticing how grown up her girls are getting... well, I just didn't have it in me. I promise I've been good about fixing the way they pronounce things lately, but I just had to let my adorable little punkin slide since this will probably be the last year it happens. I just can't believe they are almost 5!

Happy October everyone and enjoy your little punkins while you still can!


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