
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Stories

One of the areas where I feel I didn't do as much as should have these past years is writing.  While the girls did handwriting worksheets every day and I had them write a sentence last year and draw a picture here and there, I didn't really put the focus on it like I should have.  I didn't focus at all on spelling, but the girls would still get really frustrated since they didn't have the reading foundation they needed to write out their stories or sentences.  Now that they are reading better I thought we should focus on our writing a few days a week.  We still do handwriting each day, but now we'll be doing writers workshop 2-3 days a week as well.  The first day will be a rough draft of their story and a simple picture to go along with it.  The second and third day will be for revising and then publishing their story.

I wanted to keep it simple and again, not worry about the correct spelling of things so I'm having them ask themselves 4 simple questions so they can edit their stories themselves.

1. Did you sound out all your words?
2. Did you start each sentence with a capital letter?
3. Did you end each sentence with punctuation?
4. Did you use a finger space between each word?

They were so excited to get their new composition books and had been asking me each day when they got to write in them, which I thought was a good start.  We talked a bit about stories having a beginning, middle, and end.  We also talked about how you can ask questions and then add details to your story to make it more involved and exciting.  After the way our writing went last year I was expecting them to balk and get upset, but they jumped in with excitement and 45 mins later they showed me this...


Brin decided her first line didn't follow the rules since she forgot a space, so she re-started it.  I don't want them to erase for their first draft so they can see and learn from anything they may need to work on.  Here's the interpretation of her story... "A dog bumped into a tree.  Because he was chasing a ball.  Who threw the ball?  It was the dog owner."  She obviously has work to do on her spelling, but she did pretty well sounding things out.  I was really happy with her story though and felt like she developed it pretty well for her first time. 


 Av is my "just get it done" girl so she has a bit more revising to do.  She too did okay with her sounding out,  though she kept inverting her "th"  She mostly needs to work on starting her sentences with capital letters and she also randomly capitalized letters that didn't need to be so that needs work.  Her story says, "The cat had a hat.   The dog had a hat.  The cat was striped.  The dog was spotted.  The End." 

I plan to setup a writing station that has all the rules posted as well as story and drawing ideas, but I haven't finished it yet.  I'm excited to keep them writing though and then see how far they come after they've been doing it for awhile.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of 1st Grade | 2013-2014

We had our first day of school last week, and it went great!  The girls were so excited about starting as they watched the curriculum trickle in over the summer and as I'd unpack things I'd show them a glimpse of what they were going to be learning.  I was so happy when instead of dreading it they kept asking, "What day do we start again?" what a blessing!

As is tradition we spent the first few minutes taking our back to school photos.  It's amazing how much older they are looking.  I can't believe I have two 1st graders!


1stGrade Avalyn is on the Left & Brinly is on the Right

And for comparison I thought it would be fun to look back over the past 3 years.



Visit iHomeschool Network to see all the other "Not" Back to School Photos!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Our {Home} Schoolroom | 2013-2014

Welcome to our 1st Grade Schoolroom!  Our schoolroom hasn't really changed much since last year.  It still doubles as the playroom, though with the girls getting older we have gotten rid of quite a few toys and made room for more books, games, and crafts.


On the left wall is my desk, our calendar wall, chore chart, whiteboard, and all about spelling board.  My desk holds my computer, printer, daily planner and then all my teachers manuals or test booklets we are currently using.

Our back wall has our flag for the pledge, our extra curriculum, misc workbooks, manipulative, craft supplies, toys, books, puzzles, and games. Even though the girls are getting a tad big, they do still fit their little craft table we got when they were toddlers.  It's nice for messy crafts or for subjects where they need to sit and face the whiteboard.

The right wall has both girls desks with our added drawers for this year.  We're doing a modified workbox system and each drawer has 1-2 of their subjects and it makes it easy for me to ready their schoolwork for the next day.  We also got a new 4 cubbie Expedit from Ikea which along with some new storage tubs is great for their smaller toys... like the lego city currently residing on the top.

It's nothing too elaborate, but I feel so blessed to have a room dedicated to our schooling and a space where the girls can focus and learn. 


Linking up this week iHomeschool Network!
Check it out for a ton of other amazing homeschool rooms!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our 2013-2014 - 1st Grade Curriculum

It’s been a busy summer and I’m glad I started our planning early in the summer so I had everything ordered and ready before school started.  I feel really good about our choices for this year and I’m looking forward to an exciting year of learning with my 1st graders!

Here's my plan for our 1st Grade Curriculum...
  • Bible: Grapevine Studies – Old Testament, AWANA Sparks
  • Phonics/Language: A Beka Language 1 & A Beka Letters & Sounds 1
  • Reading: Abeka Readers, Library Books
  • Writing: A Reason for Handwriting – A, Writer’s Workshop
  • Spelling: All About Spelling – Level 1
  • Math: Math U See - Alpha
  • History: Story of the World – Volume 1 (Ancient Civilization)
  • Art:  How to Teach Art to Children, Misc. Art Projects, Co-op Classes
  • Language: American Sign Language
  • Science: - Library, Documentaries, Co-op Classes

Calendar Time & Bible: Like last year I plan to start our day with the pledge, calendar time and singing. We'll then go into our virtue of the week and continue to rotate through these all year so they really get instilled in the girls. We'll practice our verse for Sparks and do the lesson together over M-W and then we’ll do our Grapevine lessons Mon/Th/Fr.  The girls are SO excited about this curriculum!


Phonics/Language/Reading: For our Phonics and Language lessons we’ll be going through A Beka’s Language 1 & Letters & Sounds 1. I also got a set of A Beka 1st grade readers 2nd hand and I have a set of A Beka readers from when I learned to read back in the 80’s. We’ll continue to do daily read aloud’s and get library books for reading as well. The girls have been reading through them over the summer and have really enjoyed them.


Writing/Spelling: For writing this year we’ll work on our handwriting with A Reason for Handwriting book A. We’ll also be doing a writers workshop weekly where the girls write a story and then revise and publish it throughout the week. We’re so excited to start All About Spelling Level 1 this year for our spelling curriculum.



Math: We’re continuing on with Math U See Alpha this year. The girls did great with Primer last year and we’re excited to start a new year. 


History: We’re starting Story of the World Volume 1 this year which will be spent in Ancient Civilization. I’ve heard great things about it and I’m excited to see how they like it. We’ll probably do some of the recommended projects that go along with the lessons. 


Art: For our Art we’ll more than likely do a variety of projects throughout the year as well as do art through our Co-op in the Spring. 

Language: Since their Uncle Josh is deaf we’ll continue on with. They already know the alphabet and a variety of vocab, but we’ll make it a tad more formal this year and start putting sentences together and having basic conversations. I have a bunch of old ASL textbooks that we’ll mix and match to fit our needs. 


Science: The girls love science and are super into documentaries. All summer we’ve watched a ton of documentaries including the BBC’s Planet Earth, Discovery Channel’s North America and a whole variety of Shark Week episodes. I plan to continue checking out books from the library that interest them as well as watch documentaries and then possibly do a Science class with our Co-op. 

Linking up with iHomeschool Network for the "Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop Curriculum Week! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's that time...

The time has come to acknowledge the fact that I do indeed have a blog and I need to actually update it.  Things got so insane last year that I had to take something off my plate, and sadly the blog was the first to go.  While summer hasn't been super refreshing due to the fact that we've basically been going non-stop the entire time, it's definitely refreshed me in the much needed break from school and having to maintain a schedule every day.

In preparation for the upcoming year I've spent the summer slowly poking around for what I thought would fit our needs for the new year.  2 weeks ago the last of my curriculum came in the mail and the last two weeks have been spent putting together our schedule and planning notebook for the year.  We plan to start next week and I can't believe it's already here, but I'm excited for what's to come.

The girls will be in 1st grade and I know they are going to love what I have planned.  We're also thinking of joining a co-op this year.  I'm in the midst of gathering info and excited about the prospect of them making some friends they can see on a regular basis.  I'm also thinking of joining class days which will be great for Science and Art.

I can't say I'm ready for summer to end, but I can definitely say I'm slowly but surely getting ready for school to begin.  Here's to an awesome 1st grade year!