
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm kinda feeling all over the place this week. I pulled my upper back and neck really badly over the weekend and still wasn't able to situp for more than a few minutes at a time on Monday. I started the morning by putting on a leap frog educational video. After that I had the girls bring their Cubbies books as well as a few library books upstairs. While lying on my back we did their Cubbies lesson, Bible Reading, and then read a few books together. I felt so bad for missing yet another day of school, but was happy to have at least accomplished a little.

Aside from the bit of chaos in our school schedule... I'm having trouble keeping focused and using my time well. I feel like I keep starting things but not finishing them. I have a school schedule, but the rest of my day feels unorganized. I'm struggling to keep the house cleaned and orderly... I'm making meals at the last minute without much thought... and I have so many side projects going or needing to get started that I'm just not being productive.

I'm sure what I'm feeling is normal, and I'm focusing so much on school that I'm letting all the other areas slide... I just have to find a way to balance it all so I'm doing the other things well. I'm think I'm going to try to get through this month and then make a few changes come November!

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