
Monday, November 7, 2011


My poor blog has been neglected for the past few weeks. We unfortunately had our first case of the sickies that knocked us out for an entire week. The girls both got really high fevers (up to 104) for 3 days along with headaches, and a cough. It pretty much kept us from school for the entire week and once Friday rolled around I too was feeling a bit under the weather so we just watched way too much TV and tried to rest. I can't feel guilty about that though becuase I rested enough to keep whatever it was from coming on and I was 100% by Monday! Horray!!!

Last week I decided to do Monday Funday with games and reading since it was Halloween and then do Wednesday through Friday school. Here is a recap of some of our recent activities!

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone I let them stay in the PJ's one day. I'm really good about us getting up and dressed every day before school... but it was our first cold day of fall and they were so warm and cozy in their fleece PJ's so I let it slide! ;-) Activities - Putting their alphabet in the correct order, Lacing Cards, Letter Find, and Making Numbers as I call them out.

Writing worksheets, Missing Numbers, Spelling Recognition, Shape Tracing, Word Ladders, and simple Addition. For our Cubbies lessons we've been going through creation. As an art project I drew up the first 3 days of creation we had learned and they colored them with marker while I read Genesis 1.

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