
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day in the Life

I feel so blessed to have found a wonderful inexpensive online PreK curriculum at Confessions of a Homeschooler. I've been able to take her worksheets, ideas, and lesson plan schedule and tweak it to best fit our needs. I love the way she lays out her day and so I thought I would share my take on it which is very similar. We do 2 hours of PreK on M/W/Th, and the girls go with me to Bible Study on Tuesday's where they have a 3 hour program for the kids. Friday's have become our Friday Funday where we play games (learning games) and then read for about 45 minutes.

Our normal daily schedule looks something like this:

9:30 - Cleaning Time - The girls are given a 30 minute warning and they have to have the downstairs picked up and ready to go. Since the playroom is shared with the schoolroom we can't have it messy for school so they have to have it cleaned. If they aren't done by school time then I take away whatever has been left out. So far it's worked like a charm and they have yet to leave it messy.

10:00 - School Starts
  • Pledge
  • Prayer
  • Weather Chart - We open the front door and go outside to check it out each day.
  • Days of the Week - We talk about what day was yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Then we talk about the date of each day on the calendar. We sing the day's of the week song, and then the months of the year song.
  • Letter of the Week - We go over the letter of the week on the white board and talk about the sounds that letter makes. Then we review a few words that start with that letter. We switch between singing the alphabet song and the vowel song.
  • Music & Movement - Each day I play one of the songs from the CD I downloaded Songs Kids Really Love to Sing which is a collection of church songs. The girls love dancing and doing the motions to the songs. On Mon/Fri we do a movement song from the CD Kids in Motion. This is the same CD the girls gymnastics coach used so they were already familiar with some of them and just love it!
  • Bible - Since the girls are in Awana Cubbies we use their Cubbies book as their Bible curriculum. We read through the lesson and then I put the verse cards up on the wall each week. Every day we go over the verse of the week as well as the Apple Tree Review verses. We spend one day doing the Apple Tree Activity and another doing the Bible Reading off to the side.
  • Writing - Since this is where the girls seem to struggle the most we make sure to do a writing activity every day.
  • Sight Words - Last week we began learning sight words. We review our sight words every day and I add the ones we have completed to the white board so we can review those as well.
11:00 - That usually takes us about an hour so we break for our snack around 11:00.
  • Math - We haven't done much focus on numbers in the past so we do some sort of number practice or recognition each day.
  • Reading/Phonics - As we prepare for the girls to begin reading we work on our phonics, sounds for our letter of the week, and word building.
  • Language - We spend every day working on a few Spanish words as well as Sign Language words for our letter of the week. We learn the words on Monday and then review them for the rest of the week.
  • Art - We don't do art every day, but I try to include something at least 2 days a week. Sometimes it's cutting or pasting practice, motor skills activities like lacing cards, painting, or when I'm feeling adventurous a full blown craft I've prepared for us to do.
11:45 - 12:15 - This finishes us up with our school activities so we sit down for at least 30 minutes each day to read together. We go to the library every Tuesday after Bible Study and the girls pick out 5 books each and I usually grab a few extras for us to read throughout the next week. I've just begun going through chapter books with them so we either read the next few chapters in our book, or they each pick a few of their library books for us to read together. We bring the books into the living room and all curl up on the couch together to read. This is one of my favorite parts of the day and I'm loving this time with them! I've started pausing in our reading to have them read the sight words as I pass by them. They don't love this so I usually do this for just the first book so they can begin to get familiar with those words as we read.

12:15 - Lunch! I make us all lunch and we sit down together and eat and then they are free to play, read, color, or go outside if the weather is nice.

A few of our recent activities: Math worksheets, Write the first letter of the picture, Word Ladders, Writing Worksheets, Sight Word recognition, Number Puzzles

Number worksheets, Sight word practice, Fill in the Missing Number, Cutting Practice, Snack Time, Shape and word tracing, and Letter Worksheets

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