
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Say WHAT???

The inevitable has been around the corner for awhile now, and as much as I didn't want to acknowledge it... over the past few months I've had to. The girls are going to start school in a year and we have to decide what to do about that. I've known Preschool wouldn't be in the cards for us for a few years. With having two at the same age there was no way we would be able to afford to send them to Preschool. Pair that with the fact that their Dec. 6th birthday causes them to miss the Kindergarten cutoff by a day and I figured they would learn all they needed being at home with me for that extra year. I've figured all along that we would send them off to the local public school when it was time to start K, but have always felt a sense of unease about it. I can't exactly tell you why, but it never felt like the right thing to do.

Over the summer as their PreK year was approaching and they were showing a true desire to learn I knew it was time to think and pray more seriously about their schooling. I asked God to give me peace about their schooling, but for the first time ever I told Him I was 100% open to what he wanted and to guide me and show me what the right thing was. I wanted to make the best decision for my girls and their education and I wanted to be open to what he had for them. This is where things get a bit sticky... becuase God didn't exactly answer how I thought he would. I figured he would just give me peace about sending them to public school and that would be the end of it.

But no, God has a sense of humor. It started with little nudges here and there, and then doors began opening, conversations were initiated by people I respect... and before I knew it I was on the path to... dun dun dun... homeschooling my girls. A year ago I would have laughed at you if you told me I was going to homeschool, but after giving the girls education to God, praying about it, and truly evaluating the pros and cons I can say I have complete peace about this decision. It's funny how God can do a 360 on your heart in a matter of months.

We've decided to make this a year by year decision. The girls are more than ready to learn, so I'll do a structured preschool program this year to test the waters and then we'll evaluate how things went at the end of the year and make a decision for Kindergarten. For now though, this is the right path and I'm excited to see where it leads us.

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