
Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Musings

I always thought "having" to spend the day teaching my girls would make us butt heads and possibly cause me to be slightly resentful of not having as much "me time." I know it's only been a few weeks, but if anything I feel the opposite. I can honestly say I feel closer to the girls just having set a few quality hours to spend together. I've never really been one to follow a schedule even though I know it will make my life easier. For some reason when I HAVE to do something at a specified time I start to feel stifled by it and begin to rebel against said schedule. But... I'm finding that scheduling a few hours actually helps our day go smoother and the girls play so much better since they have already had a bit of my undivided attention.

Once I changed my mindset from being selfish and wanting time to myself... to thinking about how I could truly serve my children best in the short time I have with them, my thinking was totally reset. We only have 18 out of a hopefully 80+ year life with which we can directly influence and shape our kids. If I'm careful about how I schedule my time I not only get great one on one time with both the girls, but time together where we can play and do activities we never did before. Believe it or not, I also get time to myself where I don't feel guilty becuase I've already given of myself to them first. It's really turning out to be a win win for everyone! So glad God "pushed me" to go in this direction becuase He definitely knows best!

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