
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1st Day of Pre-K

Yesterday was our first day of school, and I'd have to say it was a success! I loved that the slight formality and structure of it made them very willing to switch modes, sit still, and be good listeners. I didn't want them to look back and feel like they were cheated by being homeschooled so they got a back to school outfit and we took pictures of their first day which we'll do every year.


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We started with the pledge, prayer, calendar time and weather. After that we had song time which they absolutely LOVED! We sang the alphabet, days/months, and then a Sunday School song which we danced and did movements to. We would normally go into Bible after this, and we'll be using their Awana Cubbies lesson each week and learning their verse during this time. Since they don't have a verse this week we just went into the rest of our day.

September 20111

I got my curriculum from an awesome blog I found She came up with a great Letter of the Week and K4 curriculum that you can purchase on her site. It's super affordable and very easy to use. Since the girls are ready for writing and phonics I decided to go with the K4 curriculum and then focus on a letter each week since they didn't have a whole year of that previously and they could use a bit of extra focus along with the overall alphabet learning they will be doing.

I decided to start us with A so we talked about and wrote our upper and lowercase A's. We talked about the long and short sounds A makes and sang the vowel song. I mixed up the curriculum a bit to fit our needs and tried to focus at least 1 activity each day in the following areas (Bible/Letter Activity/Writing/Numbers/Motor Skills/Phonics/Language(Spanish & Sign since their uncle Josh is deaf)/Art/Reading (I read their library books to them for 20 minutes) It all fits into 2 hours and then we have lunch and go about the rest of our day.

September 2011

I can't even tell you how many times they exclaimed "Mommy, this is so fun I LOVE having school at home. Does it have to end?" Makes my heart sing! I'm so excited about this and thrilled that I get to play such a huge role in their education. I think this is going to be great for our family and I can't wait to see how it unfolds!

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