
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Life Lessons

Today our school was more of a life lesson... taught & learned by Mommy. That lesson was, "don't procrastinate on your housework or you'll find yourself using school time to clean becuase you forgot about the TV repairman who called and will be arriving in 2.5 hours." Whoops! So right when I found myself getting ready to start our day, and thinking the 4 days of dishes piling up from hubby being out of town, and the disaster downstairs becuase I haven't kept on top of things could just wait a few more hours until after school. I suddenly needed to get it done and school time was the only time left to finish. I spent 2 straight hours doing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, washing the floors, scrubbing toilets, putting away laundry, de-cluttering, and cleaning the kitchen. The girls did their part by cleaning up their toys and putting all their shoes and clothes away.

With about 30 minutes of school time to spare we played with our plastic shapes to build pictures, and drew with markers. I plan to give them lunch and then read a few library books after the repairman comes. The bad news is we didn't get to do our lessons for the day, and we didn't do them yesterday becuase they stayed the night at Gama's... but the good news is I now have a clean house and an entire day to spend playing with my girls without any work hanging over my head. So I guess hooray for small blessings!

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