
Monday, November 14, 2011

Giving Thanks!

For the next two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving we are spending time focusing on what we are thankful for. We are talking about giving thanks to God for all he has provided for us, thanking others for things they do, and having a kind and thankful heart. Here are some of the things the girls have been thankful for so far:

Avalyn - The Love her Mommy & Daddy give her, her bed, Nana

Brinley - Her House, Her Mommy, Daddy & Sister, Auntie Stacey & Uncle Matt

It's so fun watching them think really hard and then get excited about something they are thankful for. I truly hope we can ingrain in them from an early age how blessed we are and how thankful we should be for all that God has given us and the freedom he's allowed us to have.

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