
Monday, November 21, 2011

Finding our Groove

I really feel like the girls and I have found our groove with this whole homeschool thing. At times I feel like our curriculum is a bit repetitive... and I admit I get a bit lazy and don't always add in fun creative things to the daily schedule. The girls really love the bonus activities like workbooks, art, and hands on manipulatives and I really need to be better about including those in our weekly curriculum rather than just the standard worksheets we tend to do each week. The repetitiveness isn't too bad though becuase it really does help them to learn and grow.

I think most days they really enjoy everything we do and I've really enjoyed watching how far they've come in such a short amount of time.

- Our white board contains the letter of the week, and the sight words we're working on. This day we were working on addition. I would put up the magnets and then they would answer by putting the correct number magnets on their board as an answer. They enjoyed it becuase it was different than just writing the numbers like they usually do.
- I'm surprised how much better the girls have gotten with their word ladders in just a few short weeks. They still struggle a bit with blend ladders where they add an ending letter to create a word, but they do really well adding the letters to the beginning of the word family.
- We're still slowly but surely working on our cutting. They are getting much better and having an easier time controlling their cuts, but still have a ways to go to cut accurately.
- Still plugging away at our weekly Cubbies lesson's for Bible time. It's amazing how quickly they can memorize their verses. I just love that they are hiding God's work in their hearts!

- Getting better and better at their handwriting. We've started working on writing their names correctly with a capital and then lowercase... but they have quite loudly voiced that they don't want to do it that way. Hoping it's not too hard of a habit to break, and Brin is already doing better, but the little e gives her trouble almost every time.
- We've start putting together and reading their first sentences. Some days they have more patience than others but I'm amazed at how they can already sound out simple words. I try not to push it though and when I see them getting frustrated we just finish what we are on and move on.
- The girls are doing well with their sight words. It still hasn't quite clicked with them that the sight words are the same ones that are in sentences, but I'm sure it will happen soon. At least they are quick to sound them out if they get stumped.
- They really love these color by number workbooks. They have really found a love for coloring (especially Av) and it's fun to watch their creativity bloom through their artwork.

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