
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our 2012-2013 Kindergarten Curriculum

I've been doing non-stop research the last few weeks knowing I had to make some final decisions for our upcoming school year.  I wanted to keep it simple and only get what I thought we would need to get started.  I'm hoping everything I have planned works out for us, but in the event something isn't working I'm more than okay moving on and trying something else.

Here's my plan for our Kindergarten Curriculum...

August_2012 166_WEB

Calendar Time & Bible: Like last year I plan to start our day with the pledge, calendar time and singing.  We'll then go into our virtue of the week and continue to rotate through these all year so they really get instilled in the girls.  We'll practice our verse for Sparks and do the lesson together over M-W and then Th/Fr we'll work on our virtue verse.

Reading/Writing/Math: These are the only set curriculum's I'm using.  We've already started our reading lessons over the summer and they seem to be going well.  As soon as the girls are reading a bit better we'll incorporate easy readers into this time as well.  Depending on how long it takes us, when we complete the 100 lessons I'll evaluate what to move to next.  We'll work on our handwriting and math each day and I'll also bring in some of our fun activities and manipulives that are more hands on from last year mixed in.

Art:  I'm hoping to do Art twice a week and it will mostly just be for fun, allowing them to try different things and techniques.  Nothing too structured here.  I already have all the books listed so we'll just use them here and there as needed along with all our other art supplies.

Language:  Since their Uncle Josh is deaf I had already decided that ASL would be a great language for them to learn.  I don't have any formal plans other than doing what we did last year and learning a few new vocab words each week that correlate with the letter of the alphabet we're working on.

History & Science:  Again, I have nothing specific planned here.  The girls are really interested in science and learning, so like last year each week we'll plan to pickup a book from the library on a topic of their choosing and we'll go through it.  Topics like: dinosaurs, insects, sharks, planets, animals, the US map, etc. will more than likely all be touched on over the year.

I'm hoping we can fit our school day into 2 hours using the last 30 minutes to read library books together for fun.  That will allow us to have lunch and then the afternoon free for playing, running errands, going to the library, park, cooking, etc.  I'm looking forward to a great year and I'll definitely keep you updated with how each subject is going and what's working for us.  The countdown begins!!!

Linking up with iHomeschool Network for the "Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop Curriculum Week!

Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. Sounds like we are doing a lot of the same! I planned out history and science a couple of days a week but we are just getting started so we are feeling our way through to see what we can fit in. Like you, I don't want Kindergarten to take more then a couple of hours. Most of their learning can still be done through play!

    Teaching Josie to read is my biggest worry. I've been seeing the book you have all over. Any thoughts on it? I might go see if our library has it.

  2. Nicole - I'll have to take a peek at what you're doing. Love being able to see what everyone has planned for the year!

    I'm really loving TYCTR in 100 easy lesson. The girls are both picking up on it really well. I got it from the library over the summer and knew right away that it would work for us so I ordered it right then. We got through about 16 lessons over half the summer and are now 22 lessons in. The girls are both reading short simple sentences and a bunch of words on their own. It's so exciting to see it click and watch them really learn. It's a bit boring in the beginning but I had read and expected that from reviews and it definitely got more exciting and the girls started to enjoy it once they started reading words so I'm glad I pushed through.

    I'd definitely give it a try as I too was worried about not knowing how to teach them to read and this method is fool proof for a beginning teacher like me! Good luck with your K year and I can't wait to hear how it goes for you.
